
The Studio

The Studio is the new girl's room
at our place.

It's not finished yet
but we're getting there.

More to come soon.

Bedroom Corners

Lots of space to store stuff
that nobody needs.

...but somhow
I need it all!!


The Doll Pram

What kind of birthday present 
do you give to a lady (my mum)
who already has everything?

 Was schenkt man einer Frau, 
die schon alles hat zum Geburtstag?

 It took me a while 
to find this doll pram.

 Es hat mich einige Zeit gekostet,
diesen Puppenwagen zu finden.

I actually have two identical onesnow.
If you are interested in one,
drop me a mail.

Ich habe einen weiteren identischen Puppenwagen.
Falls jemand Interesse hat, 
bitte per Mail melden.

Wishing everyone a great time.

Wünsche allen noch eine wundervolle Zeit.



I have been lazy preparing posts
but I enjoy reading all 
your blogs regularly.

Today I want to share Maria's
wonderful blog with you!
 Discovered her blog 
when she left a comment with me.

You should really pay her a visit!!!

It's splashed with beautiful pictures!


The Story Of The Fake Mailbag...

Friends asked me if I had an idea for a pillow case 
for their armchair.

I still had this fake mailbag that I never used because
as I only like them vintage, worn and torn.

In combination with vintage buttons and 
the open edge really turned out great.

Freunde fragten mich ob ich eine Idee hätte,
das Kissen dieses Sessels aufzupäppen.

Ein nachgemachter Postsack, den ich selbst nicht
verwenden wollte (da ich nur echte Vintage
Postsäcke mag) war perfekt für dieses Vorhaben.

Noch ein paar alte Knöpfe hinzu, die Kante
schön ausgefranst, ist es wirklich schön geworden.